News & Highlights

Artificial Intelligence in Biomedicine Conference
UPM HealthTech organizes a conference on Artificial Intelligence in Biomedicine at the Rectorate of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. The conference has the institutional support of the UPM and the coordination of Professor Victor Maojo, Professor of Artificial Intelligence and principal investigator of the Biomedical Informatics Group-UPM. Registration is required.

XVI Annual CIBER-BBN Conference
On November 7 and 8 took place in A Coruña the celebration of the Annual Conference of CIBER-BBN in which the research group of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid led by Mª Elena Hernando and J. Javier Serrano showed their most recent work.

IEEE CBMS 2023: IEEE 36th Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems. Call for Papers & special tracks
CBMS is the premier conference for
computer-based medical systems, and one of the main conferences within the fields of medical informatics and biomedical informatics. IEEE CBMS 2023 invites proposals for organization of special tracks that will be held in parallel with the general conference track.

UPM’s ImFINE research group and the Hospital Niño Jesús sign a collaboration agreement for biomedical research in respiratory therapies
Study the effect of exercise on muscle function and physical fitness in patients receiving triple therapy with CFTR modulators.

Towards prediction of response to antitumor therapies
The work of researchers at the Center for Biomedical Technology (CTB-UPM) on proteins related to drug resistance in cancer cells may open the way to better diagnostics and new treatments.

XIV International Symposium in Strength Training
The longest running sports science symposium on strength training will take place on December 16 and 17 in Madrid.

Work based on real-world clinical data for research by GIB-UPM helps confirm severity of COVID in multiple myeloma patients
TriNetX, the global medical data analysis network, at whose origin is the work of the Bioinformatics Group of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid since 2016, allows the Hospital 12 de Octubre to confirm the severity of the impact of COVID in multiple myeloma patients.

Series of Seminars “Technologies for Health and Wellness”
UPM Health Tech presents the series of seminars “Technologies for Health and Wellness”. Over the course of various sessions, leading experts will discuss the keys to research, teaching, management and collaboration in this field.

Bringing order to the scientific corpus on Coronavirus; the Drugs4Covid Project
The OEG of the UPM develops DRUGS4COVID, a platform that combines Artificial Intelligence and Citizen Science techniques to create a knowledge graph on medicines used in the clinical control of the disease, by exploiting large corpus of scientific documentation on SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19.

ALIBIRD® mHealth platform for personalized nutrition of oncology patients
The GBT-UPM group leads, within the framework of the ALIBIRD program, the development of an mHealth platform for personalized nutrition of oncology patients, which is being tested in a pilot study at the Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofía.

Exploiting the potential of COVID patient health data to fight pandemics: the unCoVer project
A network of 29 institutions from 18 countries is working with COVID patient health data to extract epidemiological patterns, analyze treatment efficacy and build strategies against current and future pandemics. The MIDAS and GBT groups from the CTB of the Polytechnic University of Madrid are leading the design and implementation of the data analysis architecture.

IEEE CBMS 2022: IEEE 35th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems
CBMS is one of the leading international conferences in the field of medical informatics and biomedical informatics. This edition will take place in Shenzhen, China, from 21st to 23rd July 2022, and will provide attendees with the opportunity to see the latest advances key areas such as the application of artificial intelligence to medicine or the application of informatics to personalized medicine, among others.

CASEIB 2021: New edition of the Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering
The XXXIX Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB 2021) will be held online on 25th and 26th of November.

EU Mission on Cancer: Implementation Plan
The Mission on Cancer launched on 29 September 2021 aims at improving the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030 through prevention, cure and for those affected by cancer including their families, to live longer and better.

LIA-UPM: Successful publications on programmable drugs
The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the UPM (LIA-UPM) has presented successful results in the field of biological engineering, a new discipline that applies engineering principles to biology. This is an interdisciplinary field in which engineers, physicists and computer scientists work to program in a new platform: the cell.

Cluster 1-Health: European Comission infoday + brokerage event
With a view to the next calls, the European Commission is hosting an info day on October 28, 2021. In addition, the BRIDGE2HE project, in collaboration with the National Contact Points, is holding a brokerage event on October 29th.