Health Tech Challenges
facing today's health tech challenges
facing today's health tech challenges
UPM Health Tech responds to the strategic challenges for the wellness of today’s society.
The work of the research groups involved provides solutions from different approaches.
UPM Health Tech brings together and articulates these efforts to overcome society’s health challenges.
lines of research
Health Tech Challenges
Smart digital health
- Telemedicine and smart devices for the care of chronic patients
- Devices for the improvement of movement in people with nervous system deterioration
- Monitoring of elderly and dependents
- Monitoring of patients and environmental variables
- Empowerment of seniors in the use of ICTs for health
- Diabetes decision support systems

Advanced Diagnosis
- Optical biosensors, chemical sensing
- Diagnosis of chronic allergy
- Point-of-Care and Point-of-Need devices
- Detection and prevention of social isolation
- Early detection of resistant infectious diseases
- Diagnosis based on movement patterns
- Coding of clinical data with terminologies
- Early detection of epileptic seizures
- Serious games for the detection of neurological disorders
Personalized Medicine
- ICT for personalized medicine
- Personalized allergy treatment
- Serious games for physical rehabilitation
- Personalized cancer therapy
- Reuse of Experience Surveys for multi-center clinical research
- Promotion of healthy lifestyles and prevention of cardiometabolic risk
- Rehabilitation therapies for neurological pathologies

Advanced Therapies
- Manufacture of gels for drug or cell vehicles
- Physical exercise in specific populations
- Electroceuticals for neurological and psychiatric diseases
- Methods of standardizing the classification of clinical procedures
- Radiomics therapy follow-up
- Organ and tissue on a chip
- In-vitro platforms for cellular screening
- Artificial pancreas
- Rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries
Brain Health
- Alzheimer, Parkinson, Epilepsy
- Neuroimaging
- Understanding memory decline in aging and dementia
- Wireless power transmission in implanted devices for Epilepsy, Parkinson
- Neurodegenerative diseases: music and brain
- Computational Neuroscience
- Biomarkers Immunotherapy
- Nutritional differences and cognitive monitoring
- Applications for the prevention and detection of cognitive impairment

Future Surgery
- Real-Time hyperspectral imaging for intra-operative brain tumor detection
- Image guided therapies for safer minimally invasive surgeries
- Telesurgery
- Wireless operating room
- Detection of colorectal biomarkers in breath and blood
- Robotics in the operating room
- Image-based tracking and navigation for augmented and mixed reality surgery
- New techniques for processing and analyzing laparoscopic images and videos
- Recharging the Battery of Implantable Biomedical Devices by Light