Promoting Team
Common space to coordinate UPM efforts on Health Technology
Common space to coordinate UPM efforts on health technology
The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid started its research activities in health technologies and biomedical engineering in the 80’s, being one of the pioneer universities at European level.
Composed of numerous and heterogeneous research groups, the UPM Health Tech initiative is led by a team of scientists with extensive experience in research, training and collaboration with public-private entities.
Common space to coordinate UPM efforts for promoting Health Technology on education, research and innovation
Promoting team

prof. Enrique j. gómez

prof. Gustavo guinea

prof. mª elena hernando
To improve the R&D&I capabilities in Health and Wellness Technologies of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid through a better coordination of the available infrastructure and resources, both internal and external.
To position itself as a reference of scientific excellence in the healthcare ecosystem in the face of the next major challenges, which require multidisciplinary approaches and collaboration.
- Convergence with the Sustainable Development Goals to solve new societal and industrial challenges
- Promotion of new collaborations, networks and alliances to overcome the limitations of structures focused on specific disciplines